
Current Assessments Used and Grade Level Assessed

Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) for grades 3-8

Diagnostic Inventory of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIEBELS) for grades PreK-2

STAR Reading for grades 2-8

STAR Early Literacy for grades Pre-2

STAR Math for grades 6-8

EVALUATE for grades K-5

EdCite for grades 6-12

End of Course for HS

ACT for HS

PSAT for HS (optional)

MO Constitution for HS

US Constitution for HS

Civics for HS

8th Grade Tech Lit

Candy Marshall,  District Testing Coordinator


    The New Franklin R-1 Schools assesses student skills periodically throughout the school year through the use of pen/pencil and online assessments. The district also takes all mandated state assessments (MO and US Constitution, MAP and EOC). The policy of the New Franklin Schools is that all students are expected to take all of the assessments in their entirety.